Wednesday, March 30, 2011

flag football : cj

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(Before I go on, I'm super-sorry about my absense over the past couple of weeks...and thankful to all of you for sticking with me.  Keep checking for more photos comin' soon - I have so many to share.  Eep!  And never mind the fact that my header still says "February" on it.  Ahem.  Should be changed soon.)

My brother CJ's very last flag football game of the season was a little over a week ago.  Like, the championship, y'all.  They played valiantly, really they did.  And...lost.  But, seriously, second place in the league is underrated, right?  These guys are still awesome. ;-)

I realized that I hadn't photographed a single game this season (what got into me?) so I totally had to tote my camera bag along and brave the fifty-degree, earlish-morning temps to get a few shots.  (Seriously, it felt, I was wearing a scarf.)  Here are some faves...
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Okay, so see that lady with the totally awesome telephoto lens?  Little-miss-had-to-use-her-kit-lens-me was kinda jealous.
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Stephen, you're cute.  Just thought I'd mention it.
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I found myself obsessing over landscape shots...both this and the one a few photos about were shot at 18mm, I believe.  Happiness. ;-)
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And, after the game...*sniff*
Taken any action-like shots lately?

with love,
---hannah m


  1. I laughed when you talked about the lady with her nice camera and lens!! :) I get that way when I see people with amazing cameras!! :)

  2. Hannah! I love to see your pictures! So glad you are back!


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